Saturday, April 18, 2009

Starting to really blog

This'll be my first post using this blog as a damb blog instead of a comment page ( which didn't pan out anyway)
So, I think I mentioned that I'm a bartender. I worked last night untill bout 3:00 in the morn. Just a typical night nothin' too funny, cept one drunk was tellin' me how amino acids was making his penis grow. Another one fell on his ass while spinning an even drunker bitch in the air ~ that was some funny shit.
Before I went to work my yungin' took a header off the swing and told me she broke her asthma ~ lol ~ yungins' and the funny shit they say.

Here's a video of a funny yungin' gittin on a horse the wrong way.

Think I'll change this blog up a little tomorrow, give it a new layout and some more character

