Ever sense I got this half of beef I have been experimenting with new things. Tonight it was sirloin steaks on the grill with onions and (first time) portabella mushrooms, also trying artichokes for the first time.
I did not let the fact that I have never tasted or cooked an artichoke deter me from trying.
I figured I'd steam it, shouldn't be too hard. Well, after the damn thing bit me a few times I decided to make my oldest youngin cut the poky parts off....>>>
After realizing I don't know my ass from a hole in the ground I didn't know the first thing bout fixin up one these vicious things, I got smart and googled it. I found this girl and followed her instructions.She also teaches ya how yer supposed to eat this thing.
I stuck it in the steamer for half an hour and vala ~ rednecks are adding more then corn on the cob to the menu, I was feelin pretty good. :)
We all tasted it, following the instructions on how to do that, and...... the youngins
So, I go ahead and try it :( I finally threw in some brussel sprouts that we all like except for the hubby. dinner is served!
After dinner, I still have some mean artichoke left, so I took it to Mamas and let everyone try it.
This is what my sister thought of it.My oldest ate it all the way down to it's hairy heart then, proceeded to eat that too.
This dinner has taught us all a few things, in the future we will avoid violent veggies and we all prefer ribeye to sirloin, either that or I can't cook worth a shit the grill broke and over cooked the sirloin. Damn grill, bout time for a new one anyway.
The puppy and kittens really loved the sirloin (bone) though.
I think you may find that artichokes are best with a dip. We use mayonnaise usually. My favorite is mayo with a little balsamic vinegar mixed in. Many people dip the leaves in melted butter. Hope your eldest didn't actually eat the hairy parts, those need to be thrown away. But the heart is the best part of the artichoke.
thanks for the tip and no she didn't eat the hairy part
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