Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Ooh..... I'm in trouble

The yungins found three little kittens in the garage the other day. Of course,the girls oohed and aahed looked at me with their big blue eyes "kin we keep um mom?" Hell no We'll see I said, just what I needed to add to my ongoing zoo, which now consist of four dogs, my two male cats and these three kitty's and last but not least the duck~don't ask
They are cute little shits though. Last night one of them curled up with Teffa (our beagle) and her one fat puppy that the girls are not keeping determined to keep and have named him 'Rudy'. My concern is of course for my poor house and husband the lonely mommy cat, who is now with out her kittens. I have, of course been trying to use this point to convince the girls that it's best to just put them back and let the poor mommy find them, and so far they are having none of that. Amid the tears and the "but, they need us mom" and "they love us now's" they have quilted me into convinced me to wait awhile and see if we can catch the mom too~ Woo Hoo.
Today though, with the kids at school I let the kitty's out and when I went to let um in I saw the mommy, so I thought here's my chance she sure looks lonely without her noisy sweet kittens. I put them out there again and left um alone but didn't see her again so I gave up and went out to get them. One kitty is missing...... SHIT!!!!&;*%#@*!&**!! ......My girls are gonna have a conniption fit. I can't find it anywhere and I have to assume that the mommy snuck in and took it, at least that's what I'll be telling the girls when they get home. Maybe I can convince them (after they make me feel like a piece of shit with all of their tearful theatrics) that the mommy needs her other kitty's too. I'm wondering if I should stick the other two out there now and just have her take um all so I only have to go through the drama once. What do you think?

